Larry R Harrison Jr, Photo Links Page


exiv2 Download (ZIP File)

(Note: I am responsible for the creation of the BAT file, NOT exiv2. No warranties express or implied etc. If you wish to "go to the source," go here.)

This is the "batch renamer" I use for my photos, modified as a "generic" and assuming a Sony A390 camera was used. (You can easily edit the BAT file for your camera & edit any suffix preferences etc.) It renames the files with the format yyyy_mmdd_datetime_cameramodel, making the photograph readily identifable based on date-time shot and which camera was used.

The exiv2 program is what actually performs the "initial" rename, with the yyyy_mmdd_time portion, the BAT file, using "generic" MS-DOS syntax, adds the camera model suffix and makes sure that the JPEG extension, all lower-case, is the extension. (EXIV2 probably can do this, but I was unable to figure out how, so I had the BAT file do this--again, using "generic" MS-DOS commands.)

Zip File
Download (ZIP file)
(Note: contains the exiv2 executable, the BAT file, a sometimes-necessary .dll file, and a "read me" file explaining how to use it.)